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A Visionary Transformation

Bomet County: Leveraging Innovation and Efficiency for Transformative Growth

A Visionary Transformation

WEB stands as a beacon of hope for the people of Bomet County, Kenya. Guided by innovative leadership and a relentless pursuit of efficiency, the county government is diligently working to elevate the livelihoods of its residents.

Historical Roots

Once a part of the former Kericho district, Bomet County emerged as a distinct entity in 1992. Today, it is a thriving hub with a rich history deeply intertwined with its surroundings.

Leadership and Representation

The County Government of Bomet is led by a dynamic team, including Governor Dr. Barchok and Deputy Governor David Shadrack Rotich. Together, they steer the county towards a brighter future, prioritizing the well-being of their constituents.

Tragedy Strikes

Amidst the county's journey of progress, a tragic incident cast a shadow. A heated land dispute culminated in a fatal confrontation, leaving one brother dead. As authorities investigate, the community mourns the loss and grapples with the consequences.

Growth and Potential

Despite these setbacks, Bomet County remains an epitome of resilience and determination. Its capital town, Bomet, serves as a bustling center of commerce and opportunity. With a population of over 110,000, the county is poised for continued growth.

Vision for the Future

WEB's unwavering commitment to innovation and efficiency will drive transformative change in Bomet County. Through strategic initiatives and collaborative partnerships, the government aims to enhance healthcare, education, and economic empowerment for the benefit of all its residents. As Bomet County embarks on this ambitious journey, it serves as an inspiring example of how leadership and vision can ignite tangible, lasting improvements for generations to come.
